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Spin vs Upright Exercise Bikes - Which Is Most Suitable For You?
When choosing an exercise bike it can be a bit confusing looking at all of the different options available and deciding which one will be best for you. Generally, most people narrow it down to either a Spin bike or an Upright bike and will more often than not decide based on aesthetics rather than practicality or suitability for your requirements.
Upright vs Recumbent Bikes - What Is The Difference?
Which Muscles Do Elliptical Trainers Work?
First up, what is an elliptical trainer?
They're often called cross trainers, or incorrectly called step machines but elliptical is their industry name.
Ellipticals are designed to provide a movement pattern most closely related to cross country skiing. Your legs and arms move simultaneously giving you both an upper and lower body workout. You can move either forward or backward depending on whether you push back or forward with your legs, and whether you pull or push with your arms. It is usually possible to work your legs only by placing your hands on the centre console or addition handles provided for this purpose.
Now, what muscles are we using?
Basic Dumbbell Workout
With a little hesitancy I have put together a basic dumbbell workout. My hesitancy arises from the fact there are so many variables involved in creating a training program for people and trying to create a one-size-fits all workout opens up the margin for error and injury. Therefore, if you choose to try this workout, please be aware of your limitations and err on the side of caution when selecting your weights until you are familiar with the exercises.
This program can be completed with dumbbells, kettlebells, and even bags of sand!
Cardio vs Strength Training - Part 2
As we get older our bodies change and we start to lose muscle partly due to reduced activity levels, but also because of our physiology. Reduced muscle mass results in a lower base metabolic rate which in turn results in a reduced ability to burn fat passively. What this means is that we tend to accumulate more fat in our bodies which we historically refer to as “middle age spread”.
Cardio vs Strength Training - Part 1
Which is better? Do I dare even attempt to answer this question?
It seems simple but no matter what I answer there will be someone who disagrees with my point of view. I have friends and fellow trainers that swear by cardio as the basis for achieving 90% of your training goals, but my weight lifting and strength training friends would strongly protest this assumption.
There are studies that we can use to backup any view and just as many that will refute the same.